Friday, December 9, 2011

A Subtle Change

Nicholas was put back on SIPAP this morning at 9:30 am.  He was doing well and only had a couple of spells but when I went to go see him this afternoon he had 2 spells back to back and the respiratory therapist looked to make sure the nose piece was on his face properly.  The respiratory therapist, along with his nurse, noticed that the nose piece was a little too big for Nicholas' face and that it probably wasn't sealed all of the way.  They went and got a smaller piece and all of a sudden his saturated oxygen level shot up to 100 and stayed in the 90s for the rest of the time I was there.  Such a subtle change can make a big difference.

Some of you may already know this but when Nicholas is on SIPAP he has what looks like a mask on his face and when they change pieces or readjust the mask they of course have to take the entire thing off.  On these rare occasions we get to see his face without any contraptions covering it up.  Last week he looked just like Mariah as a baby but now it is not as apparent as it was before.  He still looks like her though. 

Nicholas currently weighs 3lbs11oz.  This weight is probably not accurate as they gave him a dose of Lasix to try and help any possible inflammation the ventilator tube may have caused in his throat.  FYI, Lasix makes you urinate frequently.

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