Saturday, December 17, 2011

3 Big Events in 24 Hours

The first big event that happened was that both Nicholas' nanny and nana touched Nicholas for the first time.  They both only touched his head and we made sure they put their hand sanitizer on before touching him.  It is a big event because they are the first people to touch him besides the NICU staff, Mariah, or myself. 

The second big event is that Nicholas was tried on 1.5 liters of oxygen for the first time today.  His saturated oxygen was fluctuating so Dr. Harlan said to just put him back on 2 liters.  That is a good sign that they have tried him as it usually takes several attempts before it works.

The third and perhaps biggest event is that Mariah and I finally bought Nicholas' crib and dresser today.  We of course didn't want to leave him for a long period of time but we needed to go ahead and get his nursery ready because he will be coming home very soon.

Did you know that 95% of babies who grow up in homes with pets are less likely to get asthma or have allergies?????     

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