Friday, December 30, 2011

Positive 24 Hours

Nicholas has done well since being turned down to 1 liter.  They do go up to 2.5 liters and they go up on his oxygen when he gets his bottle but other than that he's on 1 liter and his oxygen is between 30-40%.  They just go up on his flow and oxygen so he's less likely to tire out and have a spell.  Some babies, even when they come home, only need oxygen for their feedings.

Last night Nicholas took 35 out of 40 ml from his bottle.  He took 30 ml the day before from the nurse so he's moving in the right direction.  He is still only getting the 1 bottle until he gets his stamina back.

Nicholas was also given a crib today.  This crib is white and not metallic like the previous 1. 

They also did an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok with his kidneys and that came back negative.  They will also run a test while he urinates before he comes home to make sure everything is ok in that department too.

Nicholas currently weighs 5lbs3oz.

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