Thursday, December 29, 2011

1 Step Closer

At 11:30 am this morning Nicholas' flow was turned down to 1 liter.  He was having residuals after his feedings and Dr. Bridges thinks that with all of the oxygen going in it could be making it a little harder to digest his food.  So far Nicholas has done well on the 1 liter.  I posted the title 1 step closer because if he can stay on this (1 liter) he's that much closer to micro flow and he can come home on that. 

His nurse today didn't give him his morning bottle because he still doesn't have all of his strength back and he gets very tired after taking a bottle.  Mariah and I will be the only ones who will give Nicholas his bottle today. 

Nicholas currently weighs 5lbs5oz.  Here is a little bit of information that most of you probably are not aware of: Nicholas has now been alive and in the NICU for 80 days. 

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