Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Little Different

Nicholas has had an okay day.  They had him on CPAP settings yeterday afternoon and up until this morning.  That's when he had a couple of spells of apnea and they decided to hook the ventilator settings back up so he wouldn't get tired out.  This afternoon they decided to mix things up and every 6 hours Nicholas will go from CPAP to conventional ventilator settings and vice versa.  The reason why they're doing it this way is so he will breathe on his own and then he can rest a little so he won't tire out so quickly.  The plan is to take the ventilator tube out tomorrow and keep him on CPAP because they are not sure if the tube is the reason for the spells of apnea.  They said breathing through that tube is like breathing through a straw.  Imagine how hard that would be to breathe if you had chronic lungs.

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