Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting Better

Nicholas is almost back to where he was before the apneic spells started.  Dr. Harlan said they may turn down his flow tomorrow (he's currently at 2.5 liters) and his oxygen is down to about 30%.  Dr. Harlan also said they are going to run another test just to make sure the urinary tract infection is gone.  They are also going to up Nicholas' feedings as he is getting very feisty and he is still only getting half of his regular feedings.

Nicholas was measured last night and he has shot up to 17 1/2 inches!!!!  The last time he was measured he was about 15 1/2 inches.  In the very near future he won't be able to wear his preemie clothes any longer.  We will make sure that the preemie clothes he received for Christmas will be worn first. 

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