Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2 More Big Events

The most important big event happened today.  Nicholas is being tried on micro flow oxygen.  He was on 2 liters of oxygen but that is used for babies with apnea and his spells haven't been apnea related.  Nicholas is currently getting 190 ml of oxygen.  This is a huge jump from where he has been for about the last week and a half.  To put this in perspective: babies can be sent home on this type of oxygen.  Keep in mind he may have to go back to 1 liter or more depending on how well he does in the next couple of days but he is moving in the right direction.

The second big event was more special to me when it happened because I was a part of it.  Nicholas took his entire bottle last night and I was the one who fed him!!!!  His feedings are up to 42ml and he took 47ml!!!!  Nicholas had previously taken the entire bottle only for the nurses until last night.  I hope he takes the entire bottle tonight for his mommy because she deserves to feel that kind of elation too.

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