Saturday, December 3, 2011

Not a Good End to the Week

Nicholas has been having several episodes last night and today.  While we were visiting Nicholas last night he had an episode, which was his 6th of the day, so they decided to put the tube back in his throat and turn the settings up on the conventional ventilator.  They asked us to step outside while they did this procedure.  Prior to us stepping outside we watched as they were trying to get Nicholas' heart rate back up (they call it having to bag him).  So we stood outside in the hall for about 15 minutes waiting and worrying.  I told Mariah this is what it felt like waiting outside of the delivery room before I could go in when Mariah was being prepped for delivery.

When I say episodes, I mean the majority of the time Nicholas stops breathing and his heart rate drops VERY low and they usually have to bag him.  He hasn't had as many today but when I visited him this morning he did have an episode.  The nurse thinks it was because he pulled his tube up a little and that's all it takes for him not to receive enough oxygen to help.  The space where the tube has to be is very small.  We used to watch just his saturated oxygen level but now we keep our eyes more focused on his heart rate.

It is with this in mind that we are asking for NO visitors until Nicholas is more stable.  Trust me when I say this: you don't want to see what happens when he has to be bagged.  We will let you know when it's okay to visit again.

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