Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Nicholas is almost back to where he was before he got the infection.  He took his first bottle since Saturday night today and he drank 30 ml.  His nurse said he was out of breath when he was finished but when it was time to feed him again she said he was looking around wondering where his bottle was.  She said he was even smacking a little, lol. 

They also ran another urine test to make sure the infection is gone but we won't know the results until tomorrow.  Until it is confirmed Nicholas will remain on the antibiotics.  He's only had 1 spell today and his nurse said it wasn't bad.  They turned his flow down last night to 2 liters and other than that 1 spell he's been fine.

This was the picture we were going to post on Christmas day but he wasn't feeling well and it didn't seem appropriate at the time to post it. 

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