Wednesday, January 18, 2012

He's Almost There

Nicholas was put on micro flow this morning and is doing very well.  Micro flow is 1/4 of a liter and Nicholas is on 200 ml.  They also turn his support up during his bottle but they have always done that.  We'll know by tomorrow if he was ready for micro flow or not because the first 24 hours are usually when the spells would occur if he needed more support. 

The only thing that is left now (if he stays on micro flow) is his bottles.  He took 32 ml this afternoon and that is very good but he has to be taking his entire bottle and that is 90 ml (3oz).  He will have to work up to that amount and he'll also have to get quicker because he needs to be taking his bottle in 30 minutes.  Anything after 30 minutes and he'll start to burn calories.

Even though it sounds like a long ways off with his bottles it's really not.  As long as he improves on his oxygen needs then the OT can work with him and he will learn how to take more milk more efficiently. 

Mariah and I will have a conference tomorrow with the doctor and nurses and we will have a better time table of when Nicholas will be coming home.  It should be within the next few weeks.

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