Friday, January 27, 2012

Due Date

Nicholas is having another up and down day on his bottles.  The past 2 days he's taken 33 and 34 ml from his 8 am bottle and 85 ml both days from his 4 pm bottle.  Both mornings he was upset that he was woken for his bottle but in the afternoons he was wide awake and eager to eat.  Both of his nurses today said that maybe 4 pm is "his time" of the day and that's why he does so well during that time.

His feedings have been changed once again.  Nicholas will be getting 85 ml and instead of being fed at 8, 4, and 8 he will be getting fed every other feeding (8, 4, and 12).  The plan is to go straight to just bottle feeds after this transition.  If he takes 70 ml from his bottle during each feeding he won't have to get any from the tube.  We are assuming that the ot will work with Nicholas during his 4 o'clock feeding because she will be there from 3:30-12 and that would be the only time he gets a bottle during that time.

Nicholas currently weighs 8lbs2oz

FYI, this was the day Nicholas was originally supposed to be born (1/27/12).

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