Sunday, January 1, 2012

25 then 40

Last night Nicholas took 25 ml from his bottle.  This morning he took 40 ml from his bottle.  It was not surprising that he didn't take as much last night because he had his previous bottle about 6 hours before.  It was encouraging this morning that he is almost back up to taking the full amount. 

There have been a couple of people asking about visitors when Nicholas comes home and as of now there is nothing concrete as to what we will do.  We will discuss this with the NICU doctors and go from there.  It is RSV season and since Nicholas was born so premature he is at a very high risk to get severe RSV (which some babies die from).  When we do come to a conclusion we will post it on here before he comes home.  Nicholas has already spent a lot of time in the hospital and we will do WHATEVER it takes to prevent his rehospitalization.

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