Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Nicholas saw Dr. Collins today (his pediatrician) for his checkup.  Nicholas now weighs 15lbs2oz and is 27 1/8 in. long.  His head circumfrence is 18 1/2 in. too.  That is a little bigger than usual but most preemies have larger heads and Dr. Collins didn't seem concerned at all.

Now for the best part: Nicholas has been referred to an ear, nose, and throat doctor.  He will be going on 8/14 to see what can be done to correct his minor hearing loss.  The audiologist in Sumter thought tubes would be enough to correct it.

One last little bit if new news: Nicholas was given the green light to eat a little bit of baby food once every day. He is only to be given a small amount and he will remain on his formula until he's at least 1 year old. He tried the apple baby food and in the beginning he seemed to like it ok but after a few minutes he wanted his bottle. We recorded it and we will be posting the video in the next couple of days.

It was a good doctor's visit and now that Nicholas' lungs have progressed and his ROP is gone now all that's left is his hearing.  Hopefully, that will be his last hurdle.

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