Sunday, July 22, 2012


Today was my 30th birthday and what I asked for was to take Nicholas to church for the first time.  Luckily everything went according to plan and he was able to go.  The preacher was very nice and took the time to ask Mariah to stand up as Nicholas was sitting in her lap.  Everyone clapped as they all knew about all he's been through.  Nicholas didn't make hardly any sounds except a few here and there when he was trying to talk.  He fell asleep about 5-10 minutes into the sermon while I was holding him.  It was the best birthday present I could've asked for.

After church was over several people came up to see him as very few had actually seen him in person.  They all complimented him on how cute he is and also how well behaved he was during church.

Come on doc!!!  Let me eat some REAL food!!!  You see I'm working on some teeth!!!!

You didn't say cheese.  I wasn't ready.

In the back of the church.

There's got to be something on that thumb that makes it so addictive.

No....mommy....please....I'm gonna wet my diaper!!!!!

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