Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July and Another Milestone

On Wednesday, Nicholas went swimming for the first time.  We had to limit his time in the pool because of the Diuril.  We got conflicting information as to whether or not Nicholas could be in the sun so we decided to play it safe and keep it to 2 short intervals of about 10-15 minutes each.  He also had to wear a hat and sunscreen (70).  Nicholas did not fuss 1 time and he instinctively knew to hold on to the handle on the float his Nanny got for him.  As he gets weaned down on the Diuril he'll be able to stay out a little longer.

Now for the milestone: Nicholas has rolled over from his back to his stomach!!!!  He did it twice today (Friday) for his mommy.  She wasn't able to capture it yet but we hope to get it and we will post it on here asap.

A special thank you to Nicholas' great aunt Kim for the pictures of Nicholas in the pool.  We wouldn't have gotten any because we were both in the pool with Nicholas.

Sure looks like a pretty day out there.......stupid sun!!!

You don't understand.  These are swimming trunks.  Not holding trunks.

But granny my fingers are delicious. 

Grandaddy Ralph, why are my hands so addictive???  Will it always be like this?????

But the pool is calling my name!!!!

Nice place you got here.  I think I'll take your pool home with me.

Sometimes, when the spotlight is on me so much, it bothers my eyes.  Hence, the sunglasses.

Daddy, I told you I've got it.  Don't you see me holding on!!!

PaPa wanted to make sure everyone knew how much he appreciated yall letting him come.  He really enjoyed it.

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