Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sorry for the Delay

Sorry it's been a while between posts but there isn't too much to tell.  Nicholas is well and he didn't wake up very many times last night (Monday).  He has also went to the bathroom (#2) the last 2 days.  Hopefully, his days of being stopped up are over.  Nicholas still loves to be held, but we are trying not to pick him up and hold him as much as the physical therapist said that can cause him to have delays.  Meaning, if we pick him up too much he won't want to do anything on his own. 

Nicholas saw the opthamologist today and he said everything is still progressing as it should.  He has another appointment in 2 weeks and that should be his last.

Here are some pictures of Nicholas being held by his grandmothers.


  1. These pictures are great. The one of Nancy is so sweet. She really looks good. The one of his NANA ,well, what can I say but she is just an old lady. But NICHOLAS looks like he is smiling in the picture. Tell Mariah that she looks really good. She has lost all the baby weight and more. You looked at peace holding your son. It really makes my heart so very thankful for what GOD has blessed ya,ll with, NICHOLAS. He will always have a special place in my heart. When you were feeding him he looked like he knew his Daddy was taking care of him. The next time I see ya,ll tell me the difference about feeding a premy. I have read everything I could find on premys just so that I could know as much as I could about HIM. Well, give NICHOLAS a hug and a kiss for his NANA and PAPA. We love ya,ll very much. Mariah showed me NICHOLAS,S nursery. It is wonderful. See ya,ll later. I hope ya,ll can sleep well tonight. Love you, MaMa.

    1. When we feed him we have to give him support under his chin with our finger. We also have to make sure the nipple doesn't get clogged with the rice cereal. We also have to squeeze his cheeks when he gets really tired. All of this happens while we watch to make sure he's not choking or it's coming out too fast.
