Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Weight and Length

Nicholas' appointment went well this morning.  His pediatrician just gave an overall assessment and said everything is looking good.  We asked about Nicholas' constipation and as predicted he said there's nothing to worry about since his stools are not hard.  He did finally go to the bathroom last night.  We backed down on the dosage of his iron and will slowly go back up so his intestines can get used to the amount he needs.  The doctor said to give Nicholas a suppository every so often if we need to.  Nicholas will go back next week to get a couple of shots.

Nicholas weighs 10lbs3oz and is 20 7/8" long.

Nicholas is also sleeping a lot better as of late too.  Due to the suggestion from a couple of people we decided to swaddle him.  He's always liked being swaddled but he gets hot quickly and we were a little hesitant.  We either put a very light onesie on him or just the swaddler and he sleeps through most of the night (if we wrap him properly and he doesn't bust out).

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