Today, we found out that Nicholas will have to go back to MUSC. It is not certain whether or not he will have a procedure done but he has to see Dr. Teed before that is determined. The opthomologist here said he thinks it would be in Nicholas' best interest if Dr. Teed were to look at Nicholas and determine whether or not his condition is to the point that something has to be done. We also do not know yet when we will be going. Hopefully, we will know tomorrow.
Hey there NICHOLAS !!! Your pictures, posted on Sunday are very special...but you are a very special little boy. It is amazing how much you have changed. God has been so very good to your Mommy and Daddy and to all of us. We can not thank him enough for everything he has done for you. I know that he will keep you in his hands for your next adventure to Charleston. We love YOU very very much and your Mom and Dad also. We are all praying for you,your parents, and your Dr. Teed. We love you and I hope your MOM and Dad let you know how much. We will see you soon. Love and Kisses from Nana and PaPa.