Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Toughest Thing So Far

Tonight was the first night we let Nicholas cry himself to sleep.  The decision was easy as night after night we have been taking turns sleeping on the couch with Nicholas lying on top of our chest.   The hard part has been hearing him cry.  We tried it last night but I caved after 15 minutes.  Tonight he cried for about 50 minutes and then we decided maybe he was hungry (he didn't take very much of his 9 bottle).  He took the entire bottle and we put him back in his crib.  He then cried for 25 minutes and FINALLY fell asleep. 

We have heard both sides of this topic and we feel it will be the best for Nicholas if we let him figure out how to sooth himself.  He will also be going to daycare at the end of next month so this will definitely help there too.  We also didn't want him thinking any time he cries he will get what he wants. 

As the title says the has been the toughest thing so far but it is everyone's best interest if Nicholas learns to sleep by himself.  It should also be noted that he took his afternoon nap in his crib too.  He cried a little then but that was only for 5 minutes. 

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