Saturday, December 15, 2012


Nicholas has set a new record for himself in his stander.  He stood in it on Wednesday for 39 minutes!  While he is standing, one of us keeps trading out toys on the tray where he doesn't get bored.  Also, we have started letting him watch Netflix and youtube on the laptop.  We have to put a blanket over the keyboard because he likes to hit all the keys.

Nicholas' PT, Casey brought in something new this week for him to use.  It is a bench.  She puts Nicholas on his knees in front of it and of course he plays with his toys on the bench.  The bench helps to prepare him for crawling by placing the majority of his bodyweight on his knees.  Everytime she puts him in the crawling position, he gets VERY angry!  He hates it.  The bench is being used as an aid to help to get him to crawl.  He seems to be getting closer too.  When he is on the floor playing, he scoots to reach for his toys.




  1. Way to go Nicholas!!! That is just wonderful about him standing and scooting. We are bringing home lots of things for Nicholas, which includes educational videos. Maybe he can watch those on the laptop as well.

    1. Nicholas stood in his stander 43 minutes yesterday! Those videos will definetly come in handy for standing in his stander. Thanks so much!
