Thursday, September 27, 2012

Update on Dr. Appt.

Just a quick update on Nicholas' appointment with the ear, nose, and throat doctor.  The dr. said he didn't see anything wrong with Nicholas' tonsils and he couldn't see his adenoids but he didn't think they needed to be removed.  As a result, Nicholas has to go back and see the pulmonologist to determine if there is anything else that needs to be done.

Nicholas also has 3 new things: his second tooth is coming in (the second 1 on the bottom in the front) and he now has a toothbrush and toothpaste.  We've only brushed his teeth once so far.  It went ok.  He didn't fight it but he wasn't very welcoming either.


  1. That is so great that Nicholas does not need his tonsils or adenoids removed at this time! The adenoid removal was a rough recovery for Baxley, but it was well worth it in her case. I'm glad little Nicholas is doing so well! We can't wait to see him (and his parents) again soon!

  2. We can not officially rule out that his adenoids won't have to be removed b/c the doctor couldn't see them (they are so small) but for now it is a relief. I'm sure he misses his aunt, uncle, and cousins too. He is always looking for another candidate to hold him : - )
