Friday, November 25, 2011

NICU visits

Sometimes in the NICU you get a little down.  For example, when you arrive and they tell you Nicholas is needing a little more support today.  That typically causes us to worry as it would most people.  Then again on some visits you get news like we've been able to wean down Nicholas' support today.  Of course that gives us renewed optimism.  They said in the beginning it would be like a roller coaster ride and that is very true.  We were kind of down today about the possibility of Nicholas having to take the Decadron but then we visit tonight and talk with his nurse and she completely changed our thinking.  She just kept saying he's going to be home very soon and he's right around the time when babies just "click" and everything starts coming together.  It's little things like this that keep giving us hope that everything will be ok and the surprising thing is that it's usually from 1 of the people we'd least expect it from.

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