Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This Thanksgiving was much different from last year's.  Last year, we spent the majority of the day in the NICU with Nicholas.  Nicholas was on the oscillator and we were filled with worry and fear.  This Thanksgiving was bittersweet.  We were thrilled to have Nicholas celebrating with us, but also sad because James' mother was not here to celebrate. 

We went to Aunt Kim's house in Andrews for our celebration.  Everyone had their turn holding and spoiling Nicholas.  A great time was had by all!

Nicholas and his great Granny

An afternoon nap in Aunt Kim's bed 

 Nicholas with his 2nd cousins

Our first family Thanksgiving picture
Mommy and Pierre
James and his mini me

Papa and the meestur

           Nicholas with his Nanny

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Back in Isolation

 Nicholas had his one year doctors appointment on Oct 16th and the doctor informed us that we would need to take the same precautions this RSV season as we did last year. This means that we will no longer be able to take Nicholas to public places other than to drs appointments. We can still have visitors and go to peoples houses, but only if no one is sick or has been sick in the last week.  We have enjoyed going places together as a family and are saddened that it has come to an end, but we know its for his own good. We do not want to risk him getting sick.  Nicholas will be getting the synagis shot every month during RSV season. He got his first one on October 31st. For more information about RSV and synagis, go to

On a happier note, Nicholas can now sit up for over 5 minutes unassisted!  Here are a few pictures that have been taken over the last month.