Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Big Day

This morning we took Nicholas to get his tubes put in his ears.  We had to be there at 5:15 am and needless to say we were all sleepy when we got there.  Shortly after arriving, much to our surprise, Nicholas' PaPa showed up.  He had to be to work at 9 but he still came for Nicholas' procedure.

Nicholas was admitted to his room at about 5:30 and we waited until about 7 before he went back.  We were allowed to stay with him up until the procedure (which didn't take place until 7:50).  Shortly after 8 Dr. Farrell came and told us that the procedure was a success.  Nicholas has to have drops placed 5 times in his ears twice a day for the next 10 days.  He also has to wear earplugs every time he gets a bath or if he gets in any water until the tubes come out (and of course he cannot be submerged).

Nicholas was very fussy and crying after the procedure (they said that's common when babies wake up from anaesthesia).  Once Mariah held him and he got a bottle of some Apple Juice/Pedialite he was ok.  He also took a nap after he took 4 oz. of juice.  After that, he seemed back to normal.  He took a 2 hour nap when we got home but he appears to be fine.

This just has a feeling that everything is complete with Nicholas now.  Meaning, all of the problems he had (lungs, eyes, and ears) are now taken care of.  We are just glad that this is over and we are hoping this was his last hurdle.

New measurements: 25 1/2 in. long and 15lbs7oz.  Not sure if the lady at Dr. Collins misread the tape measure last time or what.

Here are some recent pictures as well as some from this morning.

He hates his tummy when he's awake but loves it when he's asleep.

See mommy, when you're tough like me you need a tough hairdo.

Yeah I'm wearing a gown.  What's it to ya!!!!

Nicholas' clown gown.

You sure are gonna be sleepy today PaPa.

Hurry!!!  My mohawk is falling apart!!!!

Of course my heart's beating.  Have you ever seen a dead person take a bottle???


No more procedures mommy.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

As Expected

This afternoon Nicholas saw the ear, nose, and throat doctor.  As expected, Nicholas will have to have tubes put in his ears.  This will take place next Tuesday morning (8/21/12).  The procedure is only supposed to take 15 minutes.  The doctor said in 1 ear he had very little fluid.  Nicholas will not be put to sleep.  We will post an update next Tuesday on how it went.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

This Weekend

We went to Marion this weekend to see Nicholas' PaPa.  The 4 of us watched some tv and we all went out to the Dry Dock in Marion.  It was the first time Nicholas has been to a restaurant.  It went VERY well.  He didn't fuss at all.  He did get a little irritated near the end but he just wanted a little attention (which of course he got).

We also went to church today.  Nicholas made very little noise and when he did Mariah held him and gave him his pacifier and he was fine.  It is almost as if he knows to be quiet when he's in his car seat and we take him inside somewhere.

Here's a video of Nicholas swinging in his swing.


And when will these HD tvs be available in Florence????

Churchin it up.

Friday, August 10, 2012

New Videos



10 Months Old

Today (8/10/12), Nicholas turned 10 months old.  He has made drastic improvements over the last couple of months.  He is not only reaching for objects and grabbing them but he's also sitting up much better.  He can sit in his Bumbo for more than 5 minutes (no more than 10 and he throws a fit : - ).  He is also focusing on objects or people too.  Nicholas seems to be fascinated with people's lips and mouths (as you will see in an upcoming video).

Nicholas' physical therapy didn't go that well today.  He was very fussy and only wanted to be held so it was cut short.  We all have days like that I suppose.

We have also discovered another new food that he likes: Apple Blueberry.  It seems like an odd combination but he loves it and he ate about 3/4 of a jar of it today.  He also likes pears.  However, he dislikes peaches.

Nicholas has his appointment with the ear, nose, and throat doctor on Tuesday.  Hopefully, he will take quick action in rectifying Nicholas' minor hearing loss. 

It's not hay but it'll do.

Best $5 we ever spent.

Alley's trying to get some of Nicholas' good looks to rub off on her.

I bet I could fit my entire body in that trash can!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Picture Blog

I'm only 9 months old.  What's your excuse for lying around????

Might as well watch some Baby Einstein while I practice.

Mmmmmmmmm, bananas.

Napkin please!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Update on Nanna's Voice

Jennifer brought this to my attention and I'm sorry if everyone else didn't get to hear it either because I had the setting set to private and not unlisted.  You should have no trouble seeing the video now.
