Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bumbo, Bath, Outbursts, and a Surprise

Nicholas has done well since coming off of the nasal cannula on Tuesday.  His ability to sit up on his own has improved too.  The funniest part is that Nicholas has learned how to have sudden outbursts.  They don't happen a lot but they always make us laugh.

Nicholas also did something he'd never done before: go to the mall!!!!  He also went to Target and Toys R Us.  You can take a wild guess as to which of those 3 was his favorite.

It hurts right here doc.

I told you Adrianna I get my bottle at 10......geez.  Give me some space!!!

This is what the "juice" can do for you too.

You wish you could look like this Magic Mike!!!!!

Mommy, the more full I get the funnier you become.

PaPa, why am I only wearing my diaper?  (he was hot)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

And He's Off

This morning Nicholas took his nasal cannula off and instead of putting it back on (which he hates) we decided to go ahead and leave it off.  So, tonight Nicholas won't be on oxygen.  He was off for a full day a few weeks ago (by mistake) and the alarm never went off.  That is part of the reason why we decided not to put it back on tonight.  The other reason is that tomorrow would've been the day we planned on taking it off anyways.  We will post in the next few days to let everyone know how it's going.

Nicholas' appetite is also growing.  We've been having to give him snacks during the day too.  We've also upped his feeding amounts from 4 to 5 oz.

Here are some random pictures of Nicholas including a couple of visitors.

Nicholas and Grandaddy Bruce
Now grandaddy's looking good.

Curtis Granderson???  I think you mean Bret Gardner PaPa.
Get this picture over with so we can talk more baseball.

Now that I've got you I'll take my sweet time in deciding on what to do with you.

Mommy we're on the right page and not the left.

About 1 1/2 months worth of oxygen tanks.

The apnea monitor.

1 lead for the heart and 1 for the lungs.  Both are under the nipple.


The most common scene for the past couple of weeks.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1 More Week

Nicholas was taken off of oxygen during the day and will only be on oxygen at night when he sleeps.  In 1-2 weeks (probably 1 week) he will be taken off completely!!!!

New weight: 14lbs9oz

Here are some pictures of our son without his cannula on : - )

Who doesn't need oxygen......THIS GUY!!!

I'm serious......I don't.

I understand if you stare......I'd stare too.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Weekend

Nicholas will be going to the opthomologist on Wednesday.  Hopefully, he will at least be coming off of oxygen during the day.  Other than that there is nothing new to blog about.

Here are the pictures from Father's Day weekend.

You're 90???!!!  I didn't think numbers went that high.

Yes, yes.  Just hold that bottle right there and we'll be alright.

What do you mean the cake IS a pound???

Is that a duck on my butt?????

7am....resting from the trip to Andrews and preparing for the trip to Marion.

But aunt Jennifer the Yankees are on!!!!

Does my mommy know you are holding me????  (cousin Jace)
Cousins hanging out at PaPa's.

He wasn't wrapped but he's all I wanted on my Father's Day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A NICU Visit

Tonight, we took Nicholas back for a visit to the NICU.  The nurses were very excited to see him too.  Nicholas cried a couple of times but that was probably because he usually takes a nap during that time (7pm).  He actually fell asleep on the ride home too and that is only 10 minutes. 

Here are the latest pictures.

What??  Haven't you ever seen a baby sit up before???

Asleep in the "grown-up" bed.

From left to right: Mary Kay, Nicholas, Claire, Morgan, and Teresa.

Mary Kay holding her all-time favorite NICU patient.

From left to right: Sybil, Mary Kay, Marie, Nicholas, Mariah, Claire, and Winter.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

8 Months Old

Today, Nicholas is 8 months old.  There is nothing new to tell so we thought we'd post a comparison of Nicholas at 7 months, Mariah at 8 months, and me at 7 months.

James is on the left

Friday, June 8, 2012

New Video

On there is a new video of Nicholas laughing.  It's the first link on the page.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sleep Study

Last night, 6/5/12, Nicholas had his sleep study done at McLeod.  He woke up a few times crying and Mariah calmed him down.  As was expected neither one of them slept well.  The results will be back in 2 weeks.  We will post them as soon as we hear something.  We also had a little time to kill before the sleep study began so we decided to visit the NICU.  We did not take any pictures but we are planning on going back next Tuesday so a couple of the nurses who weren't there can see Nicholas.

 Below are some of the pictures we took yesterday as well as a visit from Nicholas' Nanny.

I don't know who this Deborah lady is but I'll play along.

Definitely not like home.

I think I'll sleep here get in that crib mommy.

Don't know how much that bear costs but it sure is priceless to us.

Come on Celtics!!!  (basketball game was on)

Someone turn me.  I can't see the tv!!!!!!

The eyes in the sky.

Friday, June 1, 2012

1/32 and More P.T.

Nicholas has adjusted quickly to being on 1/32.  His alarm has not gone off 1 time and it is looking as if they will begin the process of taking him off of the oxygen on 6/20 (his next pulmonologist appointment).

The lady in charge of the physical therapy came today and said that Nicholas is a little behind.  As a result, Nicholas will be having 2 physical therapy sessions each week.  It may begin as early as next week and will probably be on Wednesday and Friday.  His p.t. also said that it is common for preemies to need a little extra therapy.  She said Nicholas' brain bleed is what has caused Nicholas to be a little behind.  When she said behind she means that he's not able to hold his head up as long as she would like for him too.

Here are the latest pictures of Nicholas.  A little heads up too: Nicholas is beginning to laugh.  His mommy has gotten him to laugh a couple of times but we haven't been able to get it recorded yet.

NOOOOO!!!!  I don't need more p.t.  See, I can hold my head up just fine.

Who needs milk when you have delicious fingers????

I believe I have some rice cereal stuck in the back of my mouth.